The simplified French Macaron
The recipe is deceptively simple, but requires strict adherence to cleanliness and technique. It requires a digital scale with metric equivalents. A second stand mixer and food processor are also helpful.
Step 1 - process 188 grams of almond flour and 188 grams of confectioners sugar for 30 - 45 seconds
Step 2 - transfer the almond flour and sugar mix to the bowl of a stand mixer and add 70 grams of fresh egg whites, mix on low speed until an even paste forms (colorant should be added now*)
Step 3 - in the second mixer begin foaming 70 grams of fresh egg whites on medium to low speed
Step 4 - bring 188 grams of granulated sugar and 57 grams of water to a rolling boil for 15 - 20 seconds
Step 5 - raise the speed on the egg whites to high and pour a thin stream of the hot syrup carefully and quickly down the side of the mixer, whip the meringue until just warm to the touch
Step 6 - fold the meringue into the almond paste in two additions, ensuring that the first fold completely combines the paste and meringue both before adding the second half of the meringue
At this point pipe the macarons to the desired size onto a flat sheet pan lined with parchment (I prefer a Teflon sheet) and allow to rest for 45+ minutes depending on the ambient humidity.
Bake at 260F without a fan or low speed is best. Bake for 10 minutes and turn, then another 10 minutes. Check a macaron for done-ness and adjust the time as necessary.
*soft colors can be produced with most gel food coloring without affecting the consistency, more vibrant colors should be produced with powdered macaron colors
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